Mixeway is a software which is hub for security tools. It aims at integrating with tools security team use, and DevOps team use so the whole process of software development could be secured.
Long story short it is all about integrations.
Using IaaS integration Mixeway can download information about particular project with data like: IP addresses, hostnames, security group rules and more. Those data are being use to enable continuously scan whole infrastructure without even touching vulnerability scanner.
Avaliable integrations:
Planned for the future release:
Using network scanning integrations Mixeway can automatically run scans basing on provided information (gathered by API, IaaS plugin or entered manually).
Avaliable integrations:
Using WebApplication Mixeway can automatically run scans basing on provided information (gathered by API or from network scan - from detected server wwww).
Avaliable integrations:
Using Source Code Security Audit Mixeway can automatically run manage SAST scans by the API and jenins plugin.
Avaliable integrations:
Planned for the future release:
Using OpenSource plugins Mixeway can download results from OpenSource scans which is crucial source of information for security quality gateway.
Avaliable integrations:
Mixeway can also download results of CIS Compliance benchmark.
Avaliable integrations: - Kubernetes benchmark - Docker benchmark
Mixeway integrates with BugTracking systems in order to automatically provide information about found vulnerabilities and CICD to properly introduce security quality gateway
Avaliable integrations: