Gettings started with Mixeway

Mixeway is a Security Tool Orchestration Suite that meant to simplify and automate day to day activities of security professionals.

Covering functionalities of:

  • Vulnerability Management system
  • Vulnerability Scan Management
  • CICD Security Quality Gateway
  • Automatic Audit of detected threats and its correlation
  • Public Cloud audit

Security Tool Orchestration

Nowadays security teams are using more and more software that suppose to support activities related with threat detection and response. A side effect of having a dozen tools is that trying to verify events requires switching between dozens of tabs. Mixeway is a response to such inconvenience.

Integrating tools used by the security team with Mixeway allows using single dashboard in order to interact with all integrated tools.

Do You have Network Scanner, SAST and DAST tools within Your organization? With Mixeway You are able to tun 3 scans on those scanners with no more then 6 clicks and then verify results on a single dashboard.

Threat prioritization

Any Security Team that successfully implemented vulnerability scanning into their CICD processes is struggling with proper verification of detected threats and theirs prioritization.

We have solution for such problem. Mixeway Vuln Auditor is an Artificial Network that is trained on more than 70 0000 software vulnerabilities that is categorizing detected threats into one of the two classes Confirmed and Renevant Vulnerability or Detected but Not Relevant Vulnerability.

Details of the how Mixeway Vuln Auditor can be found in IEEE Access Articile

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